Sewage treatment
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- Sewage treatment
Effluent Filtering System In Line with the Advanced Treatment of Sewage
One of the main reasons that cause domestic rivers to degrade in their water qualities is that the nutrients not treated in the sewage treatment process flow into rivers, newly providing nutrients for micro-organisms to help organic matters to form. Abnormal conditions created by such abnormal situations cause rivers to be polluted more and more.
- T-P treatment efficiency enhanced after coagulation and filtering processes
- Backwashing period optimized in line with the inflow SS concentration
- Capable of generating the final effluent at the required levels of water quality
- Applicable for the final stage of private polluted water treatment plants
Additional Facilities
- Filtering unit – SS removal
- Coagulant injection facility – Rapid coagulation and deposition facilities
- Removal of Suspended Solids (SS)
- Prevention of Eutrophication (T-N, T-P)